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I don’t know whether it’s more worthy of comment that I just watched somebody beating Tetris or that he did it in less than eight minutes.
Apparently I once purchased a CD (circular optical “compact” disk with digital music files) from Amazon.
You may have noticed that songs from “Is This It” by The Strokes, a CD you purchased in 2002, were added to your Cloud Player library. This means that high-quality MP3 versions of these songs are available for you to play or download from Cloud Player for FREE. You can find your songs in the “Purchased” playlist.
I hadn’t noticed.
Thanks, Amazon.
I just watched an episode of Girls and then an episode of Shameless. In both programs, some undesirable guy entered a lady’s dwelling unexpectedly (Adam in Hannah’s apartment; Frank in Sheila’s house). When asked how they managed to do it, in each case the guy said that he “still” had a key. Presumably Hannah and Sheila gave the keys to Adam and Frank some time in a previous season.
Television writers, please place a moratorium on this “I still had a key” trope for at least five years.
San Francisco homeless shelters have a new anti-violence rule, and some advocates for the homeless disagree with it. This city is so fucked up.
First computer freeze-up of 2013! Thanks to the Dell Optiplex 780 that I use at work.
There are a lot more earthquakes in 2013 than there were in 2012.
Did Jews ever settle or hide among the Amish?
This question is hilarious.
The answer is no (not that I've heard of – maybe some Jew has hidden some time with some Amish, but never systematically).
In the last one hundred years which European city changed four times the country it belonged?
Lemberg / Lvov / Lviv
Started as part of Hapsburg Galicia -> Captured by Russian empire during the First World War -> Recaptured by the Hapsburg Empire -> short-lived Ukrainian state -> independent Poland -> invaded by Soviet Union -> invaded by Nazi Germany -> invaded again by Soviet Union -> USSR disintegrated and it became part of independent Ukraine