I walk to and from work every day, and have since a couple of months before I got an Apple Watch in 2015. The only exceptions are the rare occasions when I have an appointment in the morning before work, or when I go somewhere after work that’s not my home. One thing I never do, however, is drive to work.
Apple Watch has to know this, because every morning, about ten minutes into my 25 minute walking commute, I get a tap on my wrist asking me if I am doing an outdoor walk and if I want to start a workout (answer: yes, and yes).
So why does Siri on Apple Watch think it’s a good idea to give me a notification twice a day (since iOS 13) about the traffic that I would be facing if I had a car and drove it to and from the office?
I don’t exactly expect Apple to know that I haven’t driven a car in over eight years, but the facts that I don’t own a car and that I definitely don’t ride in cars as frequently as every month, let alone every day, have to be data that they record – right?